Monthly Archives: July 2016

JAIL THE BANKSTERS? Is True Justice Seeking Retribution? Really?…

We are beginning to see a time when some bankers will get thrown under the bus, so to speak, by their very own brothers-in-arms, the banking fraternity; while some may cheer, it is in fact a sad state of affairs;

Banksters gene pool

Now, we know that there is honour, even among thieves; and, scapegoats and fall guys will be chosen from within their ranks to fall on their swords so as to appease the pitchfork-wielding people; the ‘retributionists’ as we call them: the eye-for-an-eye folks; while the real masterminds will get away…. Yet, again while the people squabble between themselves on how the banksters should be punished; here are some recent reports:

BAR: Maybe 3 years ago we would have cheered, but not today; not after comprehending what natural law and natural justice is; what the law truly is; and, how we are still blindly following a retributive colonial slave bar legal system; the same legal system that has its occult roots in the papacy:

By now, we have all lost an eye [or two] in this retributive system; and, in the world of the blind the one-eyed is king, they say; and, it was Gandhi who is attributed with saying:

Ghandi an eye for an eye

After a number of years of research on the true nature and concepts of law; and, what the law really means; and is; we can tell you this:

It’s all about subject-matter-jurisdiction as well as jurisdiction; the BAR system is a foreign jurisdiction operating under law-of-the-sea jurisdiction; it is a LIMITED jurisdiction; inferior to and in a lower jurisdiction to the law-of-the-land; law-of-the-sea ONLY has jurisdictions over legal fictions written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS such as your ‘PERSON’, COPORATIONS, HUMAN BEINGS, CITIZENS, INDUVIDUALS; these are only IMAGINARY AND HAVE NO PARITY WITH THE TANGIBLE; law-of-the-sea is merely for commercial transactions between legal fictions; in this system the ‘STATE’ [a legal fiction] is ‘sovereign;


“Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)

Government is  merely a legal fiction which was created solely to protect peoples’ antecedent rights, property and natural resources; and, to provide the people with services, not to lord over them. A piece of paper cannot rule over a people. It has no jurisdiction over the tangible as affirmed by the above ruling.

A ‘sovereign state’ is a cabalistic term and is contrary and opposed to ‘people sovereignty’:

“The words “sovereign state” are cabalistic words, not understood by the disciple of liberty, who has been instructed in our constitutional schools. It is our appropriate phrase when applied to an absolute despotism. The idea of sovereign power in the government of a republic is incompatible with the existence and foundation of civil liberty and the rights of property.” Gaines v. Buford, 31 Ky. (1 Dana) 481, 501.

The real problem is the legal system, the banking system and political system; in order to be truly free we, the people must create new and alternative models of law, banking and without politics; 

Law of the Land: The law-of-the-land is your Bill of Rights, your tangible property and natural resources; people are equal before the law and have the right to a fair trial by jury, in a TRC or public hearing or forum; and, sovereign states and peoples honour the “law of nations”; in this system the people are sovereign;

Law of Nations: Now, as no people or community will ever acknowledge the superiority of one people over another, the only law that binds us is the “law of nations” which depends entirely on the rules of natural law and to which each people is equally subject; on this subject Sir William Blackstone wrote the following:

“However, as it is impossible for the whole race of mankind to be united in one great society, they must necessarily divide into many, and form separate states, commonwealths, and nations, entirely independent of each other, and yet liable to a mutual intercourse. Hence arises a third kind of law to regulate this mutual intercourse, called “the law of nations,” which, as none of these states will acknowledge a superiority in the other, cannot be dictated by any, but depends entirely upon the rules of natural law, or upon mutual compacts, treaties, leagues, and agreements between these several communities: in the construction also of which compacts we have no other rule to resort to, but the law of nature; being the only one to which all the communities are equally subject; and therefore the civil law(c) very justly observes, that quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit, vocatur jus gentium.” [Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Law of England in Four Books, Vol. 1[1753] INTRODUCTION: OF THE STUDY OF NATURE AND EXTENT OF THE LAWS OF ENGLAND, SECTION 1: ON THE STUDY OF THE LAW] [extract]

QUOD NATURALIS RATIO INTER OMNES HOMINES CONSTITUIT, VOCATUR JUS GENTIUM. That which natural reason has established among all men is called the “law of nations.” 1 Bl.Comm. 43; Dig. 1, 1, 9; Inst. 1, 2, 1.

The bar system uses semantic deceit [in a language called “legalese” which sounds like English, but is deceptively different]; and, used to garner semblances of consent under the colour of law; what passes for law is not law; these are rules that only apply to government employees and members of bar associations and law societies; admirals, esquires, bachelors, privateers, pirates etc. are all ranking knights of a secret Temple society collaborating with monarchies and oligarchies under foreign and secret jurisdictions; hidden behind smoke and mirrors… switch and bait… divide, conquer and rule…

The 1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, and general literature / The R. S. Peale 9th Encyclopaedia Britannica defines the word “LEGAL” as: “THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW.”

In a more fair and just system wherein people are sovereign; and, the law-of-the-land prevails; and, the protection of people freedoms [such as the right to not go to jail] people rights, peoples property is paramount; and, wherein governments provide equitable services as public servants and ONLY concern themselves with these behaviours; and, wherein people can be lifted out from behind the corporate veil and be held accountable before the people as peers; and wherein the people are the judges such as trial by jury;

And, wherein every people [even a banker] has the right to a fair trial by the law-of-the-land; wherein the people hear facts; and, after diligent deliberation, judge with equity; and, ought to make unanimous rulings according to principles of natural law and natural justice and restorative justice; and, ought to be reconciliatory;

Bankers are people too and NOT ‘persons’; they have the right not to incriminate themselves; they have the right to the presumption of liberty; they have the right not to give up their natural right to liberty, too; if you want those rights you need to give them to banksters too; be aware to not become the tyrants that we are opposing in the first place;

Albie Sachs - True Justice

What passes for justice in the fraudulent bar legal system is not justice; it’s a system of barratry and piracy and racketeering;

Are you telling us that you would have acted honourably if you were a banker? That you would NOT have put your hand in the cookie jar? Codswollop, we say;

Bastiat stated in his writings The Law that: “The STATE is that great legal fiction where everyone tries to live at the expense of everyone else”;

The fraudulent system thrived because we were all clamouring to engage in usury against each other; to compete in a winner-takes-all system instead of co-operation and equity and sharing, equally; the system only existed because we remained party to the fraud; we are all guilty; not even one people will be found to be honourable and pure enough to open the seals…

Judge not harshly, lest ye be judged harshly, we say; punishment and imprisonment is archaic and cabalistic, people; it does not rehabilitate; it breaks down and burdens society; come on!!! Let’s not blindly copy the very same obsolete system that we are building new models for so as to make this one obsolete; let’s truly build new models based on principles of restorative justice; if, you wish to know more feel free to read our Restorative Justice page;

Sadly, our focus is on jailing the bankers; instead, it should be to hold Truth & Reconciliation Commissions to ensure that the harm ceases on the victims; who are the victims? The people! And, to ensure that the rights of the victims namely we, the people are addressed; to place moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures and repossessions; so that the harm ceases; to give the bankers the opportunity to repent in TRCs AND THEN TO FORGIVE THEM!!! THAT IS THE GOLDEN RULE! LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR [even bankers!!!] AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF;


Let’s forgive, but NOT forget; so that this never happens again; In the words of the ONLY Great Dictator: “We all want to help one another. Human beings [people] are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness-not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men’s souls-has barricaded the world with hate-has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities life will be violent and all will be lost. . . .”

Yet, let’s rather focus our energy on the remedies; such as DEBT JUBILEEs; the set-off and settlement of ALL fraudulent debts!!! Fraud vitiates everything; fraud nullifies contracts; restitution to those who were de-frauded; equity and true equality before real law and real people courts wherein the people are the judges; yet, judge according to principles of restorative justice;

Let’s rather build new models of banking; of people community courts wherein true justice is seeking reconciliation and not retribution; and, wherein people are truly sovereign and recognise that life is sacred; and, we are embodiment of the sacred and that the divine dwells within us all, equally; and, where your rights end, mine begins;

And, finally, let’s all remember what that Great Soul Mahatma said:

Gandhi Peace is the way

Sincerely, without prejudice, under onerous title, in peace, brother-thomas


28Jul16 – Chances Are That You Have Never Been A “United States Citizen”

Have you stopped to read the legal definition of a CITIZEN lately? From Black’s Law Dictionary (8th edition):
CITIZEN, n.1. A person who, by either birth or naturalization, is a member of a political community, owing allegiance to the community and being entitled to enjoy all its civil rights and protections; a member of the civil state, entitled to all its privileges.

Look carefully at the words used:
Member (meaning that you must volunteer to become part of it)
Owing allegiance (you must agree to take and obey orders from them)
Entitled to CIVIL rights and protections [and] privileges (this means that they are supposed to provide you with services in return for peoples’ labour)

Now, ask yourself these three questions:
(i) Why does one need to be a member in order to get rights and privileges? Are they not already available freely and naturally?
(ii) Are people content to take and obey orders from any and all government officers without question?
(iii) What happens if people do not give them my permission and refuse to obey an unjust law?

Here are the answers:
(i) If we, the people have the power to vote someone in to create a law, then we also have that power to begin with. Many of the rights and privileges that are granted to members (like travelling on roads, insurance and access to water) are also available to non-members. The people need not be members to get these things. These are just marketing tricks of a global system of predatory capitalism to convince ‘we, the people’ to sign up.
(ii) Only members of bar associations and law societies are bound by the laws they write. If one is not a member of a political party, one is not bound by political rules either. If one is not an employee of a bank, then one is not bound by its regulations. The people have the right to accept agreements and contract when and with whomever you choose. They also have the power to rescind unfair contracts. We, the people are bound only by the laws of nature; that is all.
(iii) Nobody can enforce a law on the people without permission. If they try (and many of them will) then one is supposed to have a remedy in the law.

We, the people are in fact up against our own laziness to educate ourselves; such as our un-examined belief in money; the law does not protect those that slumber on their rights; and, we are up against a well-entrenched global crime syndicate run by national and international banks, “corporate government” providing “services” to the people and “political parties” that siphon off and benefit from plundering the people.

According to Gandhi, it is a sacred duty to disobey unjust laws by non-violent and non-cooperative methods; in peace

Why Attorneys Are Not Lawyers And Lawyers Are Owned by the Crown of England

To add to this; members of BAR associations and law societies are attorneys-AT-law; while at common-law are attorneys-in-fact; in peace

TABU; Towards A Better Understanding

Why Attorneys Are Not Lawyers And Lawyers Are Owned by the Crown of England

In the U.S., they’re collectively called everything from “attorney” to “lawyer” to “counselor.” Are these terms truly equivalent, or has the identity of one been mistaken for another?

What exactly is a “Licensed BAR Attorney?” A credential accompanies every legal paper produced by attorneys – along with a State BAR Certification number. The credential is issued by the boards of law examiners, the applicant having acquired a minimum competency in law. In most cases, the board is an independent, self-financing, separately incorporated group of law professionals, administered by the state bar association, a branch of the American Bar Association, functioning in an advisory capacity to the supreme court of each of the states. Simply stated, they are an advisory board of recommendation to the court. The accreditation number is issued by the state bar association, a professional…

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Geopolitical Chatter Indicates War In Europe Is Planned To Involve NATO & Russia:

Great educational post, Ron; especially the tax-mis-invoicing from South Africa; just before 1994 they “mis-invoiced” $237 trillion; we have financed more than half the world with gold and minerals while social security is $1,75 per day; we challenge anyone to try live on that; a crying shame, it is; in peace

Ronmamita's Blog

All Wars Are Bankers' WarsThis report is about current events, however this should be no surprise to readers of this blog.
World War is in the toolbox for the globalists’ worldwide hegemony.
-Don’t Blame The Bankers-
Because, when war or martial law is declared, paid, armed individuals will shout at you:

“Shut Up and Obey Orders!”

When I research, I have repeatedly found plans from think-tanks and political organizations that reveal their “silent war” agenda for world order (from market manipulation to public opinion manipulation to climate manipulation to genetic manipulation, such as GMO, Viruses, and more).
U.N., IMF, CFR, Bilderberg Group, BRICS, G-20, and other influential organizations are no accident with their geopolitical plans playing out on the unsuspecting public.

“When all else fails, they take you to war.” -Gerald Celente

Everyone should be aware that money is connected to all of society, and to research…

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Palestine Urges Arab League to help Sue Britain over 1917 Balfour Declaration which Established A “Homeland for the Jewish people.”

No-one alive today was party to the Balfour Agreement; its hearsay evidence; let the dead bury the dead, we say; make new agreements to create a win-win for all people, not just a few; in peace

Counter Information

Global Research, July 26, 2016
Ma’an News Agency 25 July 2016

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki urged the Arab League to help the Palestinian Authority to sue the United Kingdom over the Balfour Declaration of 1917 on Monday.

Speaking on behalf of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, al-Maliki delivered a speech Thursday at the Arab League’s annual summit, which is being held this year in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott.

Al-Maliki apologized on behalf of Abbas, who couldn’t attend the summit due to his brother’s recent death, before urging Arab countries to “help us bring a suit against the British government over the ominous Balfour Declaration which resulted in the Nakba (catastrophe) for the Palestinian people.”

Nearly a century ago, a letter sent from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild, a British Jewish leader, declared British support for the “establishment in Palestine of…

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Two Kinds of “Money”

Great money explanation; to add to this;
Money of Account v. Money of Exchange:
Money of Account is debt-based financial transactions on paper. All debt is created on paper, so all debt can be discharged with ‘other’ pieces of paper. This has absolutely nothing to do with what we, the private think of as “money” which is promissory notes, aka debt notes and, since debt notes cannot ‘pay’ a debt, then, handing over what we think of as ‘money’ cannot possibly offset the debt of an entirely separate money system based upon electronic and paper-created debits and credits. When anyone talks about the ‘national debt’ the only way to discharge or offset that alleged debt, which is not real as it exists only in a virtual computer world, is to create paper which will balance said negative/red entries on the ledgers/computers. Our cash cannot, in a million years, ‘pay’ that debt because the two are entirely unrelated. It is “apples and oranges”. If the apple bushel is nearly empty, then, filling it with oranges will not give you a bushel of apples. Cash is solely for exchange of goods and services which WE, in the private, obtain, not the debt which those in the public create by charging our trust accounts which have credit, only due to the bonds backed by our birth certificates. Only they can monetize that credit and offset the debt they create; WE cannot do so. We do not have access to those accounts. Yes, we ought to be able to do so, but, so far, they have thwarted us on every attempt. The public uses ‘money of account’ and we use ‘money of exchange’. Please make the distinction.

Maine Republic Email Alert

4f522-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz      |

Two Kinds of “Money”

In the world today there are two things going on— “trade” and “commerce”.

Trade is what real men and women do when they trade a sack of beans for a piece of silver. It is actual and factual and results in the accrual of private property.

Commerce is what corporations do when they exchange pieces of paper and pretend that these are the same as actual trades. It is all just “paper transactions” and it results in the accrual of “corporate income”—-digits on a ledger.

For generations Americans have traded our Silver Dollars for goods and services and we still do.

Since 1933 the rats misrepresenting us and seeking to confuse themselves with us have traded exclusively in “commercial paper”– debt notes, promissory notes, and so on.

Actual “money” has to have intrinsic value in…

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Democratic Republic of Congo Land Grabs: Plantation Company Pressures Farming Communities to Cede Land Rights

Africa land is not for sale! The land belongs to those who work it; and, the law of the place applies, namely customary law; the days of corporations plundering Africa is numbered; all people [even in Africa] are waking up; in peace

Counter Information

Feronia Inc., a Canadian-based Company Majority-owned by European and US Development Banks

Global Research, July 25, 2016

Over the past few days, Feronia Inc., a Canadian-based company majority-owned by European and US development banks, has been pressuring local communities to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that would endorse the company’s continued operation and expansion of oil palm plantations within their territories.

Despite severe pressure and intimidation, the communities have rejected the MOU and are appealing for international support to demand that Feronia respect their decision.

They are calling especially on the development banks or funds, which have a combined control of over 80 per cent of Feronia’s shares, to respect their own internal guidelines regarding the free, prior and informed consent of communities. The development institutions with investments in Feronia include: the CDC of the UK; the AFD and Proparco of France; the AECID of Spain…

View original post 633 more words

Global Currency Reset? we call “Balderdash”

Without any prejudice, mention is yet again being made in the alternative media as well as in emails regarding the global currency reset from people supporting groups such as Nesara and SwissIndo; in some cultures the truth is of highest importance; and, only the truth can and will set us free;

This is not to discredit those involved, but merely to point out some facts; After all, there is no them or us, only us; we are all in the same boat together; and, it is our sacred duty to speak out if we see a wrong or harm;

And, we have first-hand experience with SwissIndo as some of you may know; even strong words have regrettably been exchanged; our apologies to those whom were offended; we are very concerned that people are being sold down the river YET AGAIN in secret meetings; this time by some “truth-seekers” [1%] ACTING on behalf of and making decisions on the 99%’s behalf… again…


Without consulting the people; without referendum; nothing… eish.


Financial Fraud:

Firstly, we did some objective research into the fraudulent financial system as well as the global currency reset; for brief descriptions to our resource material see:

And, it is our humble independent determination that time spent on building new models of community Banks, Exchanges, Trade/barters and Stockvels is more constructive than trying to revenue the same fraudulent financial system;

The SwissIndo system relies on the same debt-based system; this is why there is a stalemate; with the west refusing the gold-backed system; while the east, the fiat paper-money system;

And, returning to a gold-backed system is not enough; the global debt is already 4 times the value of the entire planet;

compound interest in a fractional reserve debt-based banking system wherein everything gets multiplied by ten runs away and can never be paid; ever; as a graph it is a hyperbole and right now we are almost vertical… on a fiscal cliff…

Fiscal cliff


The fractional system is a growing black hole that has already swallowed billions in SwissIndo certificates before they started without even a burp; it will swallow all the world’s gold in a morning breakfast, if put on the table;

And, the BRICS system also relies on the same banking Leontief matrix as the federal reserve system; it’s merely another basket in a basket system; if the baskets have apples or pears makes no difference; it’s who the basket is controlled by; follow the money, we say;

 Jubille USA.png

Only a DEBT JUBILEE is the answer!!!!

We do not have to pay the debt back!!! Fraud vitiates EVERYTHING!!!


We do not have to buy the corporations back; the corporations belong to the people as equal shareholders in Republican systems; they were built on the blood, sweat and tears of the people; there was no value for value exchange; services are not meant to profit off of the people; usury is un-ethical; if, the land belongs to the sovereign communities, provinces, states or tribal lands then so too everything that stands on it, other than peoples’ private property belongs to the people as a whole;


Where does all the gold come from?

Next, we ask: Where does all of this gold come from that SwissIndo, the Chinese elders and others are claiming to own? We say that at least 69% comes from Southern Africa!!! Were the people of Southern Africa properly compensated with equity? With a value-for-value exchange? NOOOOOOO!!!!! They stole their natural resources and left the people with a debt under revolving foreclosure bankruptcy laws that they can never pay back;

In 2001, in only one of many incidents, it was testified in a commission on Project Hammer that, leading up to 1994, 5 000 tons of gold was stolen from South Africa to keep the U.S. Ponzi scheme afloat; already then the ship was sinking…

 As we see it, SwissIndo does not work for the people; they clearly state they trade in ‘human capital’; their members are compelled to sign non-disclosures; what is there to hide? What is the purpose of secrecy if it is supposed to be for the people? Does secrecy not bring shadows with it?

 OPPT banner


Next, in 2012 OPPT foreclosed the entire system which means the very system SwissIndo relies on… using an already foreclosed system makes no sense; we will verify if the OPPT filings are lawful in the UZA v. Concourt case which has been finalised for October;

Next, below some research into Nesara which is what the global currency reset has its roots in;

Next, below a brief look at the Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission;

Then, below also a look at the Office of International Treasury Control;

Lastly, some research into the ASBLP certificate numbers which SwissIndo is quoting and the Anthony Martin connection; and, none of the SwissIndo certificates are loaded; neither on the U.S., Swiss nor the Philippines Securities Exchanges which means these certificates do not yet exist;

Lastly, we know that the cabal are in control of this very system; they aim to collapse it globally to get martial law instituted; in 2016 we see the Philippines placed under a new government [to control the exchange] and cabal moves made on Indonesia, Freeport, Samoa, Guinea and the pacific region as a whole; even, if the intentions of SwissIndo were to serve the people; and, the security certificates were in order; and, the federal system was honourable; we still do not see a global reset on the horizon;


Economic Collapse?

In Fact, all economic whistleblowers such as Gerald Celente, Ron Paul, Lyndon La Rouche etc. etc. indicate that not only are we already in the worst depression, since the fed, but the system is currently imploding; we call it a staged, controlled demolition; after all, it is the only logical way out for the cabal to escape persecution: to collapse the financial system…

And, the powers-that-were [not ‘are’] are psychopaths and sociopaths… they will rather burn it and run… know thy enemy… Babylon is over people; the ship has already sunk; we just have not realised it; the merchants are already standing afar… and bewailing her;

Warren buffet Leaking boat


What can we do, then?


BUCKMINSTER FULLER - to change things


There is plenty of action by the people in this regard; on the Giftoftruth ‘Community Banks’ page are examples of already working models of community Banks, Exchanges, Trade/barter & Stockvels [BETS]:

All BETS are on 🙂

Now, let’s take a quick look at Nesara and it’s origins, shall we?



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax (see also FairTax), abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress.

NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, doing business as “Dove of Oneness”, who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Goodwin’s conspiracy emails have been translated into several languages and have a large following online.[1]

Monetary reform proposal

Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996), and sent copies to members of Congress, believing it would pass quickly on its merits. Based on a theory that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy, and compound interest the number one “moral evil” and reason for debt, Barnard made several other attempts during the 1990s to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the US economy, and his suggested economic recovery proposal based on the root causes he determined. After these did not succeed, he decided in 2000 to release the proposal to the public domain and publish it on the internet. Barnard established the NESARA Institute in 2001, and published the 2nd edition of his book in 2005, retitling it Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.[1][2]

Dove of Oneness

Soon after Barnard released NESARA on the internet, a user known as “Dove of Oneness” began posting about it in internet forums. “Dove of Oneness” was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School Of Enlightenment, referred to in the media as a “cybercult queen.”[1] According to Goodwin’s website, the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton. It is claimed that the new law was to be implemented at 10 am on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of “Prosperity funds”) were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks. Supposedly an earlier gag order issued by the Supreme Court had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.[1] Goodwin referred to “White Knights,” most of them high-ranking military officials, who have since been struggling to have the law implemented despite opposition by President George W. Bush. Goodwin allegedly believes and purports that Bush orchestrated the September 11, 2001 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.[3][4] Goodwin’s description of NESARA goes far beyond Barnard’s proposal by cancelling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections. Goodwin often claimed that Bush officials were attempting to hack into and bring down her web site to prevent her from publicizing the law.[5]

Goodwin began commenting on NESARA in connection with Omega Trust, a fraudulent investment scheme whose creator, Clyde Hood, was on trial at the time. According to Goodwin, Omega Trust investors would receive their returns after NESARA was announced.[1][6] Goodwin repeatedly predicted that the NESARA announcement would occur in the very near future,[7][8][9] although in later years she became more reserved in these predictions.[10]


The funny thing is, when one researches the global currency reset, one ALWAYS finds ascension cults gravitating towards and lurking in the wings; even SwissIndo is littered with those following the IAM teachings; we ask you; what does spirituality have to do with money? Answer: zip, zero, nothing, nada niks! It is harder for a rich man to ascend than it is for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle; a good description


Collateral Accounts

The Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission by supreme600 December 24, 2008

from YouTube Website

In 1875 the wealth and assets of the royal families and nations held under colonial rule were centralized into one combined account to be used to the benefit of all nations of the world.

This is known as the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. Within its ledger is Saint Germain’s Foundation Divine and World Trust which is now worth $1 quatrodecillion dollars. This money will be used to bankroll NESARA and the prosperity funds.
Extensions of this agreement were expanded through international treaties, some of which are still classified as top secret, including:

  • Jekyll Island Treaty (1910)
  • The London Treaty (1920)
  • The Second Plan of the Experts (1929)
  • The Hague Agreement (1930)
  • The Far East Combined Depositories Agreement (1932 1945)
  • The Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
  • The B.I.S. / Allies Agreement (1948)
  • The Green Hilton Agreement (1963)
  • The Schweitzer Conventions (1968)
  • The Election / Appointment of Sole Arbiter Agreements (1995)
  • The Washington Panel (1998)
  • The Treaty for Respecting the Rights (2003)

These treaties were ratified by the sovereign nations of the world and not their fake corporate government counterparts. Proof of such is recorded in every nations charter of the U.N. The USA charter is based on the constitution and thus subject to constitutional law. Only Kings or Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and in some cases Ministers of Finance or Foreign Affairs are granted access to these accounts.

Verification is undertaken through a specific office under specific protocols dictated by the Head Office of the United Nations. After World War II, from 1945 to 1995 the assets in the Collateral Accounts were managed by The Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission representing,

  • America
  • the United Kingdom
  • France

The commission selected the dollar an international reserve currency and they gave the CIA legal responsibility to protect the collateral assets.

Countries which did not want a permanent CIA presence on their soil would be allowed to subcontract the protection under the same terms and conditions of the treaties. Soon after, the CIA began to steal assets from the collateral accounts and use them for every New World Order pet project imaginable. To curtail these illegal activities in 1995, the Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission was stripped of its power and placed under the control of the International Treasury Controller and the Office of International Treasury Control at the United Nations.

Additionally, they now have jurisdiction over,

…which are all part of the Collateral Accounts.

Despite this, the IMF, World Bank, and BIS continue to use the assets illegally for their own financing without giving any thought to the needs of the people of the world.


And, we expect a different outcome using the same system? We feel not. 


Office of International Treasury Control

The OITC also gets mentioned by GCR pundits; from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC) is a seemingly elaborate fraudulent organization which claims to be associated with the United Nations and the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. It has attempted to deceive people and organizations in Ecuador, Fiji and the United Kingdom. The UN and Federal Reserve have denied any knowledge of or connection with OITC.[1][2] The purpose of the hoax is unknown.

Curiously, the OITC purports to be a highly secret organization whose existence cannot be proven or disproven by internet research, and yet it maintains its own very public website. The OITC website does not explain why a highly secretive organization would want, or need, to maintain such a website; nor does the website explain why such an apparently wealthy organization would have such a badly designed website with many typographical errors.

We went to their webpage and found no activity after 2009…


Global banking crisis? What global banking crisis?

Thousands of quadrillions of hidden monies revealed to be held in multiple off-ledger black screen accounts. The Committee of 300’s shadow government banking scam has its royal knickers ripped off. How rich is White Spiritual Boy now, Your Majesty?


These Authorities have reconfirmed, re-certified, re-declared, reaffirmed and reconsidered the authenticity and validity of above given fiduciary accounts with or without signature of C3 – AM – 01 and upon record to these Authorities.

Signed, sealed and certified this General Confirmation on this 25th day of January, 2008 at the World Bank Headquarters, Washington D.C., USA to be concurred by the Authorities of the Committee of 300.

(signed)                                              (signed)

HE Pres. Robert Zoellick              HE Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-Moon

The World Bank Group                 The United Nation Organization

The above Signatory of this above accounts is no other than Anthony Santiago Martin, Filipino resident of Rizal St., San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan, Chairman of ASBLP Group of Companies, Inc. with SEC Reg. no. CS201004379 and ASBLP Group, with Reg. no. ASBLP – 120005 – BASBLP – 10 and Holder of UN Diplomatic Passport no. UN – 00191 – 01 and Philippine Passport no. XX3794724.

I, Alvin Almirante Bersales attested the correctness and truthfulness of above contained information forwarded to me by HM, Queen Elizabeth II and Committee of 300 under army.


And, with their track record we trust them? We feel not.

Let’s take a quick look at who Anthony Santiago Martin is, shall we?


Filipino People’s Account handled by Anthony Santiago Martin


These Banking Institution, with full banking responsibilities, generally have declared, certified and reconfirmed the Validity, Veracity and Existence of the Off-balance Fiduciary Bank Account Record Sheet (all accounts are drained in cash funds since year 2000) but having Sovereign Guarantee by Precious Commodities preserved and untouched in the Philippine Islands, permissibly engraving of Multi-currency Bills in the Philippine Islands (99%) and/or in the United States of America (1%) and written in US Treasury Notes (top secret) and have been released its actual updates of the audited balances accounts, EXCEPT THOSE RED COLORED ACCOUNTS THAT HAVING UNCHANGED AND IRREVOCABLE BALANCES OF US$ Infinite (INFINITE DOLLAR), the actual estimated, accumulated and presumed amount of US$ 200, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 per account given on this date January 25, 2008 although having been drained and these Authorities reconfirmed, declared, certified and reconsidered the veracity and validity of all herein bank account information entitled and inherited to the People of the Philippine Islands (70%) and the world (30%) under the trusteeship, management and control of ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP represented and chaired by HM, King Anthony S. Martin, Holder of UN Diplomatic Passport no. UN – 00191 – 01. All Accounts herewith are densely coded into 4 (four) unchanged codes: White Spiritual Boy, Spiritual Wonder Boy, Morning Star and King David however it depends upon the requisition and desire of C3 – AM – 01 in his papers together with the inclusion of any herein confirmed fiduciary heritage accounts except Falcon 1 up to Falcon 999*** that requested by former World Bank Pres. Robert S. McNamara by phone (also drained in cash funds since year 2000). Said fiduciary bank accounts are amenable to change its original position and information upon requisition of C3 – AM – 01.



ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP

ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP chaired by HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin has an Official International Registry no. ASBLP – 120005 – BASBLP – 10 is a mandated Institution in the world that having an extraordinary vision and mission to save mankind from financial trouble. One of the Core and Top Secret Priority Issues of the Summit of G8 is how to make an arrangement and deal with ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP when late Pres. Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, as Confirmed in the Last Will and Testament executed dated December 20, 1985 in the Malacanang Palace, Manila, Philippine Islands, handed over his Full Power of Authority to the Humble King. There are 6 Fake Anthony Santiago Martin are going around the world and in the Malls of Metro Manila to Claim that they’re the Genuine Anthony Santiago Martin while the Real One still maintained himself in his Registered Address at no. 133 Rizal St. San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan. ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP is one of the Top Financial Organization of the Committee of 300 for having an Infinite Treasuries that could save our ailing world from Financial Crisis.


List of Reserved Company Names that matched your query.





Anthony Martin

Chairman, ASBLP Group of Companies & Bank of ASBLP

Hagonoy, Philippines

As you will see from ASM’s passport documentation, it is sanctioned by the Committee of 300:  “Sealed at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA this 21st day of February, 2007 to be concurred by some or all of Authorities of the Committee of 300.”

This World Bank document, and also the document below, contain headers on each page referencing ASBLP.  The ASBLP Group of Companies and the Bank of ASBLP are supposedly Anthony Martin’s companies, and the “Sponsor Authority” on his passport is none other than the Committee of 300.

Is this a real UN Passport or another Slick Willy (Saurin’s nickname in Asia) creation? What one must note is Wilfred Saurin is an ex CIA star (was fired), is famous as the modern day Asian Robin Hood. He steals from the elite Banks and he gives to the poor.

This World Bank document, and also the document below, contain headers on each page referencing ASBLP. The ASBLP Group of Companies and the Bank of ASBLP are supposedly Anthony Martin’s companies, and the “Sponsor Authority” on his passport is none other than the Committee of 300.

ASBLP Group of Companies and Bank of ASBLP is listed as one of the Top Financial Organizations of the Committee of 300.

Clearly this second World Bank document (Reference no: ASBLP – 0330 – 2012)  supports that the Ambassador is using fake documents belonging to fake “King” Anthony Martin, to claim the funds in the White Spiritual Boy accounts.

In this World Bank document signed in March, 2012, there is a detailed listing for the distribution of funds to countries around the world and also to banks.  Note on page 143, there are many more signatures than the first document, the same ASBLP reference on the header, and at the end, a disclaimer about signatures that are “valid with and/or without the acknowledgement by ASM.”

Anthony Santiago Martin (ASM)

Signatory HM, King Anthony Santiago Martin Code name : C3-AM-01, White Spiritual Boy, Spiritual Wonder Boy, Morning Star and King David. Passport No. UN – 00191-01 (United Nation Organization xx3794724 Postal Address :133 Rizal St. San Sebastian, Hagonoy, Bulacan 3002, Philippine Island.

It has been alleged that Anthony Santiago Martin was being used by the Committee of 300 to withdraw from the Collateral Accounts.  It has further been alleged that these White Spiritual Boy and all related accounts are fictitious.

According to one account, the real Anthony Martin is an Australian who married a Filipina from Hagonoy Bulacan.  Apparently he was given a million pounds to sign documents given to him by President Marcos which declared him the sole heir and signatory to the accounts.  But the truth behind this fraudulent scam was discovered and the World Court, through the International Court of Justice, ruled that Anthony Martin was not the rightful heir and signatory to the accounts.  After his generous benefactors abandoned him, Martin suffered a stroke and is said to now be living again as a pauper in Hagonoy Bulacan.

From this it’s deduced that Martin was used as a patsy in the Committee’s failed plan, however, it is most interesting that when the bonds were stolen from Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mitsu Watanabee in Chiasso, one  “King” Anthony Santiago Martin showed up to make a claim to them.

After being conned by Alan Greenspan, both Yamaguchi and Watanabee were detained at the Chiasso (Italian/Swiss) border and the notes/bonds that they were carrying were taken (stolen) from them. Both men were associated with Neil and he found them to be straight-forward, hard-working individuals who were making strides in helping impoverished nations on behalf of the Dragon Family.

Neil states that the real facts here are that both men were conned by the Italian Government and the Federal Reserve Bank of NY. There never was an arrest, never a trial, and never a judgment. It was all an Italian drama and could have become a soap opera rather than a snow job if the Cabal had not completely controlled the media. The newspaper in Como was owned by Prime Minister Berlusconi’s family, and nothing was as it seemed, including the fake 3-1/2 year sentences in abstentia that were allegedly handed down by the Judge.

A check of all 3 Italian databases will reveal that there was never an arrest or judgment according to the Italian Financial Police. In fact, these very notes/bonds that Anthony Martin (and Wilfredo Saurin) attempted to claim were split up after the Italian P2 Lodge (representing the Italian Government) offered to return them to the Dragon Family for 10% of their value.

The Dragon Family refused their offer because they were holding all of the cards. They knew they could cancel the notes out and then have them re-issued 6 months later at no cost to them. So the Italian Government (or corporation), turned to their fellow bedmate, the NY Federal Reserve Bank, and received the approval from them to use the notes after splitting them 50/50.

In this case, Yamaguchi, Watanabee and the bonds were all real and it was Prime Minister Berlusconi and other Italian representatives that were the cons. They stole the notes.

Neil’s team investigated all this and when he found the notes were real he started to breathe a little easier seeing that his notes were from the same package. The Chiasso incident allowed Neil to move forward with his lawsuit. It would lead to what is known as “Financial Tyranny.”

People, the dragon families are not just from the east; east and west are brothers; they are batting for the same team, using the same system; the global reset will be LOANS at 2%; not freebees; it’s human capital: the same old slavery debt system.



Has anyone imagined a world where everyone has access to millions? Where 3,5 billion who were surviving on a dollar a day now can splash on whatever they want? Can the earth support another billion autos? Is it sustainable? Can you imagine the waste? The abuse? What is a hardcore drug addict going to do with his stash? What are militants going to do? Can the earth sustain such an economic onslaught? Especially when predatory capitalism has already destroyed half of the natural world? See:

Insanity upon insanity, we say;

Get off that rollercoaster of the hope of a reset which only leads to the despair of it not happening; put it out of your mind;

We need to build new models; think internationally and act locally;

What will solve 90% of people problems?

Community banks and the power of banking back in the hands of the people; and, community courts wherein all people are equal before the law as peers without bar interference;

If, it interests you then do a search on community banking, exchange, trade in your area; or, get involved with your local community jural society; even, if only to help with fund-raising;

Look at the amazing work Judge Anna is doing with the Living Law Firm at:

The global currency reset will not happen; and, should not happen; period;

Instead, a commission of inquiry should rather be launched into the gold to have it audited as well as tested for origin and restitution back to the people; however, the only true value that exists is in people’s labour and natural resources; nothing else, other than our belief in it.

We would do well to put the reset out of mind and roll up the sleeves; while some are waiting for the world to change, the world is waiting for we, the people to be the change;

in peace, brother-thomas


David Dayen: The Advent of Foreclosure Fatigue

Livinglies's Weblog

dayen “America got a bad case of “foreclosure fatigue”. People in law enforcement, judges, they’re just tired of it.” – David Dayen

David Dayen came of age as a writer during a golden age for bloggers.

Dayen, a 1990 graduate of Council Rock High School, was making a living in Los Angeles editing films and TV programs. “Name a channel on your digital cable package, and I’ve probably done something for it,” he says.

Interested in expressing his opinion in prose since his days as a columnist for his high school paper, Dayen, who is 43, discovered blogging around 2004. “I would be editing, and there’d be something . . . that would take a few minutes, and I’d go over and blog something,” he recalled. “It became more and more a part of my life, on my personal websites at the time, and these big political blog sites.


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