Category Archives: Federal fraud

We Are Being Warned That A Horrifying STOCK MARKET CRASH Which Could Wipe Out Trillions Has Now Begun

by Michael Snyder

What would our country look like if an epic market crash suddenly wiped out 35 trillion dollars in financial wealth?  You may not want to think about something so horrible, but we are being warned that it could soon happen.  Stock prices have been falling for three weeks in a row, and last week was the worst week for U.S. stocks in a really, really long time.  The S&P 500 is now down more than 8 percent from the peak of the market, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq is already in correction territory.  At this point, the Nasdaq is off to its worst beginning to a year in decades, and many are extremely concerned about what is coming next.  In fact, Bank of America is warning that all hell breaks loose if the Nasdaq closes below 14,000.

Hopefully that won’t happen this week.

But it might.

Last week, one of the most respected names in the financial world made headlines all over the globe when he warned that the stock market crash which has now begun will end the “superbubble” that Wall Street has been enjoying for so many years…

Jeremy Grantham, the famed investor who for decades has been calling market bubbles, said the historic collapse in stocks he predicted a year ago is underway and even intervention by the Federal Reserve can’t prevent an eventual plunge of almost 50%.

In a note posted Thursday, Grantham, the co-founder of Boston asset manager GMO, describes U.S. stocks as being in a “super bubble,” only the fourth of the past century. And just as they did in the crash of 1929, the dot-com bust of 2000 and the financial crisis of 2008, he’s certain this bubble will burst, sending indexes back to statistical norms and possibly further.

According to Grantham, there have been five other “superbubbles” and they have all ended badly

He noted that US stocks have experienced two such “superbubbles” before: 1929, a market fall that led to the Great Depression, and again in 2000, when the dot-com bubble burst. He also said the US housing market was a “superbubble” in 2006 and that the 1989 Japanese stock and housing markets were both “superbubbles.”

“All five of these superbubbles corrected all the way back to trend with much greater and longer pain than average,” Grantham wrote.

We should give some credit to the “geniuses” at the Federal Reserve for keeping the party going for as long as they have, but by inflating this bubble to such an absurd size they have set the stage for a meltdown that will be unparalleled in our entire history.

Read more at:

Even Gerald Celente and other whistleblower economists are saying the same thing;


Celente reckons this will be way worse than the 1929 crash so take note; turn your fiat currency into something tangible: seeds, gardening tools, shade-cloth, irrigation equipment, hand tools etc.

Added to this is our failing SA energy grid; we are doing our best to trimtab this ship but are still at the mercy of the banksters until we are in control; all hands on deck is required from you the people;

The Plandemic is Phase 1; the Financial Collapse is Phase 2 – a controlled demolition towards totalitarianism; Phase 3 is an Environmental Disaster; the aim is: martial law to override all law; to get rid of the middle class; privately-owned land grabs;

However, they underestimate we the people…

The remedy is the United People’s Front: building an alternative society; the people shall govern;

Inside The South African Reserve Bank – it’s Origins and Secrets Exposed – Stephen Goodson

Much gratitude to a fallen truther, Stephen Goodson, who was going to be an expert witness in our upcoming Truth & Restoral Commission; and, who sacrificed his honour and his life to bring you the truth of a criminal banking system that lies at the very root of an evil system plaguing the peoples of earth.

“This volume should be read in conjunction with A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind1, which describes the decisive role that central banks have been playing in the bribing of key legislators, counterfeiting the currency of enemy countries, fomenting wars and undermining the welfare and sovereignty of nations. The premier
example is the Bank of England. Established 320 years ago, this bank provided the blueprint on which all other central banks have been modelled and is the benchmark of unlawful behaviour. All central banks are in essence criminal organisations, which prey on the ignorance of their subject peoples by allowing private banks to create money out of thin air and then charging endless amounts of interest on mortgages, and taxes to pay for the interest on the loans of government and state-owned institutions.”

Download and read the full PDF here:

Stephen Mitford Goodson – Inside the South African Reserve Bank_ Its Origins and Secrets Exposed

Money, Value, and Time

Wednesday, November 8, 2017; by Anna von Reitz

I have pointed out the actual problem many, many times—-but still somehow people aren’t  listening and really hearing the message:
Money is an illusion.  A Fakir’s trick.  An idol.  Literally.  It is unreal in the same sense that a photograph is unreal.
That gold coin you are holding in your hand is being used — arbitrarily — to represent other commodities and goods, but it really isn’t the “same as” all those other commodities and goods, is it?
The promoters of this system of things have convinced you that gold (or paper or lead slugs or tulip bulbs or whatever else is being used as a “medium of exchange”) has value apart from whatever value you give to it— and it really doesn’t.
Even the language of money is straight from a carnival sideshow.  Think about it: “medium of exchange”?   Like Madam Zorba, the famous Medium and Fortune Teller?  Money,regardless of the form it takes, is phony by nature.
I have had people tell me that “gold is a store of value”.
Okay, I said, show me a “charged” versus a “discharged” piece of gold?  How can you tell when it is storing up value and when it isn’t?  Does a light go on?
The truth is that gold doesn’t store value or anything else, unless you make it into a box to hold napkins.
And, it doesn’t matter if you are using pieces of paper or digits in a ledger or gold coins or tiles of glass or wampum beads as money.
It’s all fake. It all requires “suspension of belief” — the same kind of willingness to be deceived that takes place when you go to a movie about flying cars and unicorns.
It truly does not matter what you use to represent value — value itself remains obscure, a creature of imagination and circumstance.
Basically, value is your opinion of how much something is worth to you at any given moment.  A glass of water is beyond price to a man dying of thirst.  My red shoes may be valuable to me, but useless to a woman who wears Size 10 and hates red. Are you beginning to really think about all these things?  Maybe for the first time?
The men who have been running this world for the past thousand years don’t want you to think about how arbitrary and variable “value” is, because if you did, you might also realize that what we use to “represent value” is even more illusory.
Ever wonder why bankers are so sober and straight-laced in appearance?  It’s because they are playing poker.  All the time.
Get these boys in a back room and they talk a million miles an hour. You cannot shut them up.  They talk endlessly about the minute details of their personal lives, their families, their dogs, their cats, their religious beliefs, their secret fears, their most embarrassing moment—-it all spills out in torrents.
In ten minutes, you will know more about Maury, the Banker, than you ever wanted to know.  You will hear about how his Father abused him, that his Mother was a lush, that his Son-in-Law beats his daughter every time she gets pregnant. You will get acquainted with his cat, Felix, who weighs almost thirty pounds and has to eat a special restricted calorie diet….. then you will hear about his veterinarian, who charges $300 dollars an hour to tell Maury he’s feeding the cat too much.
Outside of Hollywood and the Strip in Vegas,  there is not a stranger social arena in the world than a convention of bankers.
I stand around at these events and nod sagely and look deep into their eyes.  They mostly look sad and guilty, like bad dogs who got caught sleeping on the couch. The endless chatter about nothing for nine out of ten hours is part of the anxiety:  “Oh, God, Paula, what do I do now?  They know.  I mean, they really know!…..and they are going to kill me.  I just know they are going to kill me….”
A couple weeks ago, these same people were talking about arbitrarily setting the value of gold at $10,000 an ounce in an effort to “create value” in the asset-backed world sufficient to counterbalance all the credit and debt that has already been issued.
I laughed out loud.
Why don’t we all get our flashlights and pitch our pup tents in the back yard?  You go find your scary mask from last Halloween and I will get a campfire going. We will sit around and tell ghost stories until we believe them and spend all night quivering in our sleeping bags for fun.
That’s the kind of thing that grown men and women are doing, because most of them, even the bankers, really, truly, have no concept of what money is —- and isn’t.  And it is worse than simple ignorance.  It’s that they don’t want to know.
They are afraid to give up their illusions.  They desperately want to believe in flying cars and unicorns.  It doesn’t matter to them that what they are currently doing and also what they are proposing to do in the future, is not based on reality.
Nobody, it seems, can face the unreality of money.
Except a few Great-Grandmas who could give a damn, that is.
IF enough people would sit down and look at the paper in their wallets one afternoon and fully realize that it is just paper, or if they hauled out their stash of gold coins and realized that it is just some lumps of metal, the world would change. Immediately. Forever.  For the better.
The willful mass delusion we have been living in could finally end.
Our time on Earth, our energy, our skills, our dreams, our will to do good, our loving relationships, the wealth of our planet’s resources— these are our most valuable treasures by far— and we are being snookered into exchanging them for what?
Pieces of paper?  Lumps of metal?  Digits entered into a bank ledger?  Really?
We can never count how many rich men have won the game and lost the battle.
They have come to their graves saying, “Oh, crap…. I wasted my time playing the stock market…..I should have married Ellen Henderson instead….. I hardly know my son…..What good is all my money now?”
The fact is that money is unreal, but the ill-effects of money, and especially of money monopolies, are tragic—-and, until we face the fact that money is unreal, we can’t even deal with the unreality of it in a sane way.
We just continue to wander around in a haze being deluded, valuing things that aren’t valuable, and being cheated up, down, and sideways by charlatans who have cornered the market on this Grand Illusion.
I know that what we have proposed as the solution has caused no end of consternation — both among those who know that money is an idol and those who remain True Believers— but something practical has to be done and there must be some logical basis for doing it.
The carried-forward debt of the world has become a great burden to 99% of the people and an unusable resource for the other 1% who are, ironically enough, burdened down trying to manage and deploy the accumulated credit in a way that preserves the “perceived value”—– that is, scarcity, of money.
It’s a crazy-making situation no matter which foot you stand on, either having far too little or far too much, with everyone fighting over who-owes-who what.
Wearily, I explain that the problem is that we actually have both too much credit and too much debt, and nobody is willing to do the bookkeeping.
What should happen is very simple and I have directed the Vatican Chancery Court (the bank for the Holy See) to do it.  Issue the credit to cancel out the debt.  Then issue more credit ear-marked for actual living people and their unincorporated small businesses, and another dollop of credit ear-marked for corporations.
What shall we base all this new credit on?
Well, since money is imaginary, we don’t really need any basis for it, but if the gullible and plodding among us need a basis to issue credit here are some ideas:
1. Instead of arbitrarily valuing gold at $10,000 per ounce, why don’t we value each man’s labor at $50,000 per hour?   It would make as much sense and cut down the debt five times faster.
2. Instead of secretively buying life insurance policies on strangers and betting on how soon they will die, why don’t we openly buy old age insurance policies on friends and bet on how long they will live?   That at least de-incentivizes corrupt medical practices, war-mongering, genocide, and development of man-made diseases.
3. Since the rats abused our delegated powers to charter all these corporations that are abusing the living people and  enjoying all the ill-gotten gains of undeserved bankruptcy protection at our expense, why not base all the new credit on worldwide corporate assets?  Let those who benefit from the scams and the bankruptcies pick up the tab for it.
I could probably come up with a hundred ways to quietly chisel away the “World Debt” and nobody would even feel the loss— the problem is that the perpetrators responsible for this situation envision a world in which men are born into perpetual enslavement and debt, a world in which money is ever more scarce and so, imagined to be more valuable.
That’s why everyone needs to wake up and smell the java now.
It’s all flying jalopies.
The whole “Monetary Crisis” and the “National Debt” and the “Global Currency Reset” and the “Foreclosure Crisis” — is all bogus, arbitrary, carnival sideshow illusion and fraud.  It doesn’t matter if it is gold yen or glass shrinky dinks used to promote it— the bottom line is that money of all kinds is an illusion and it always has been.
While it could be a good and useful tool, the greed and stupidity of men has allowed money to become a scourge and a tool misused to promote misery and enslavement instead.
It’s time now to wake up from a very bad dream.  Put away the concepts of childhood.  End your own enslavement.  Every country has abundant resources.  Every man has labor to trade. There is no excuse for lack or for fear anywhere on Earth.  All we really need is some hard-headed common sense.
What is that stuff in your wallet, but a gob of paper someone printed?
Do you work for the government or does the government work for you?
Get your Thinking Caps on, Campers.  Set your Shinola Sensors on “High”.
We all ride for the brand and its up to us to choose which brand we ride for.
Seems to me that I recall Jesus paying off all the debts of the world forever, two thousand years ago.  So why is Satan still here with his hand out?
See this article and over 700 others on Anna’s website here:

Notice to Banki Moon and Kerry in regard to continuing Abuses

February 23, 2016Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon       via Certified Mail #7006 0810 0003 3541 5717 United Nations Secretariat New York, New York  10017John Forbes Kerry                         via Certified Mail # 7006 0810 0003 3541 5724 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520

Anna von Reitz

Notice in Regard to Continuing Abuses

Dear Sirs:

This business concerns both of you, so both are being addressed.

Mr. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon: It is our understanding that the UNITED STATES CONGRESS named the United Nations the Trustee of our states and the laws thereof beginning in 1976 and there has been no other appointment since.   This was caused by the wholesale incorporation of former State and County government operations on the land jurisdiction of the United States, which left the land jurisdiction Public Offices (which are still owed to us) vacated though we were not informed at the time.

It is our further understanding that the service contract of the IMF sponsored UNITED STATES (INC) was defaulted in March of 2015 when that entity –together with its numerous franchises— was declared insolvent and entered receivership.   This circumstance left the federal services contract portion of The Constitution for the united States of America vacated, too.

We became aware shortly afterward that unscrupulous persons have self-interestedly claimed that we were operating as franchises of the insolvent UNITED STATES and that vessels in commerce including STATES and ESTATE trusts named after the States of America and the living American Nationals were to be considered sureties and franchises of the UNITED STATES and sold as abandoned properties to pay the debts of the insolvent governmental services corporation.

As our Trustee in this matter, we protest to you in your office as Secretary General of the United Nations and also wish you to make our objections known to the General Secretary of the United Nations that none of these arrangements supposedly made in our behalf are true or equitable.  We have repudiated the so-called National Debt of the UNITED STATES (INC) as odious debt that is not owed by the people of the (Continental) United States, testified that the people of the (Continental) United States are not sureties for the debts of the UNITED STATES and that our public and private property interests have not been abandoned.

We have refused offers by both the World Bank and FEDERAL RESERVE dba THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, (INC) to act as successors to contract.  This is the result of the obvious wrong-doing of these organizations in the past documented by the wet-ink, autographed, and sealed affidavit of probable cause which we have delivered to your offices in New York.  We have issued new Sovereign Letters Patent and have Declared Joint Sovereignty and established arrangements for the co-signing Native American Nations to act as our new federal service providers.  It should be apparent that we are of age, competent, acting with complete commercial liability, are birthright people of the (Continental) United States and hereditary beneficiaries of the unincorporated united States of America.

While this no doubt comes as a surprise to you, it is our wish and Will in this matter acting as the entitlement holders, beneficiaries, and sovereigns of the land jurisdiction of the United States.  We object to the continuing criminality of the international banks and governmental services corporations involved in this ongoing attempted institutionalized theft of our identities, mischaracterization of our political status, and securities fraud upon the probate courts and the bankruptcy courts throughout America.

We hold you and the United Nations fully accountable for the safety, support, welfare, and security of the living people of the (Continental) United States, the prosecution of the criminal elements in the international banking community and governmental services industry responsible for these outrages, and the return of our unencumbered property interests which have been falsely indebted under conditions of fraud and inland piracy.

Mr. Secretary Kerry:  We have ourselves fully and freely declared our disenfranchisement and revoked our election to pay federal income taxes since 1998.  We are what you call exempt non-resident aliens and American Nationals.  All reversionary interest in our estates returns to the united States of America on the land and United States of America on the sea.

These are Matters of Fact well-demonstrated in the public record, and they should be well-understood by those administering the Seattle Passport Office. We have been informed of stubborn refusals of service from passport agents and decided to check it out for ourselves. Accordingly, I, my husband, and grown son made request for new passports in August of 2015.

It is now approaching the end of February 2016 and despite copious correspondence and the plain Matter of Fact that we do not live in any Federal Enclave, do not reside in any municipal nexus, and are in fact Zip Code exempt —the passport agents have failed to perform and deliver the red jacket and properly styled passports we are owed, have objected to our use of the actual physical location of our home on the land as established by GPS as the basis of our land domicile, and refuse to understand  Title 39 U.S.C. Section 3003, 1341, 1342, which is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and $1,000,000.00 fine. Use of ZIP CODE is voluntary. (Domestic Mail Services Regulation Section 122.32 Nondiscrimination for NON-USE of ) and ZIP CODE per Public Law 91-325, section 403.

The Seattle Passport Agency has been offering to obstruct our ability to travel freely for six months over these petty obstructions and refusals to provide services owed and failure to obey the Public Law.  This is in itself a crime against humanity and an insufferable mis-administration of essential governmental services which are owed to us and to all American Nationals.

It is just one more example of the way in which governmental services corporations in this country have put self-interest ahead of service commitment and perpetuated commercial fraud against their employers and benefactors via obstruction, monopoly inducement, and disregard of Public Law.

We wish to see a prompt correction leading to the immediate issuance of passports bearing the proper color, proper style of name, proper mailing address (Rural Route Number), proper seal, stamp, and date. To that end I am returning the incorrect version of both the Passport and the Passport Card that were issued to me directly to your attention, Mr. Kerry, and requesting expedited service and issuance of the proper passport documents for me, Anna Maria Riezinger, my husband James Clinton Belcher and our son Eric Jon Belcher who still haven’t received anything at all from the Seattle Passport Agency, all non-combatant American Nationals, all living peacefully in Big Lake, Alaska.

Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State John Forbes Kerry:  As we write this letter yet another governmental services corporation doing business as GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, DUNS Number 16-190-6193, is terrorizing other innocent non-combatant Americans throughout the Western States.  This referenced corporate entity is the parent corporation of the FBI and BLM, both of which are operating on our soil as commercial mercenary forces under color of law.

This constructive fraud and deceit is brought about by the misuse and abuse of old trademarks and copyrighted names that were obtained as the result of corporate takeovers and mergers among governmental services corporations in the past and it has served to promote the impersonation of peacekeeping officers and other public officials by private, mostly foreign corporations having no more granted authority to “serve us” in this manner than employees of Target have authority to rob their customers.

This blatant lawlessness on the part of this foreign corporation run amok on our shores has resulted in the premeditated murder of an innocent American on our soil, and the false arrest of at least fifty other non-combatant American State Citizens who are being purposefully mischaracterized as “Enemies of the State” when they are in no way associated with any such “State” referenced in the entirety of Title 50. As the Trustee of our state offices and laws, Mr. Secretary General, this situation should be of vital concern to you, along with the continued purposeful and self-interested mischaracterization of the political status of the victims.

The American Nationals being mischaracterized by these vermin on our shores are innocent Third Parties and Priority Creditors of these same corporations, which are intent upon acts of inland piracy, armed international racketeering, and murderous insurance fraud against their employers.

We call upon you, Mr. Secretary General, to engage the necessary diplomatic process to free those Americans being held under false arrest and we call upon you, Secretary of State Kerry, to bring charges against these criminal entities masquerading as our lawful government.

The arrest and punishment of the bankers, attorneys, and administrators responsible is eminently more sensible in all respects than allowing these same criminals to continue to mis-characterize, murder and rob their Priority Creditors in an effort to avoid paying them.  This lawlessness must be brought to a swift end and the perpetrators must be recognized as the criminals they are with no more scape-goating of the innocent victims of these crimes.   They have already paid all the costs with their labor and natural resources; it is completely insane to expect them to pay again with their blood.

A policy of silence and failure to take action is not an acceptable response.  Both of you, Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Secretary of State Kerry, are responsible in different ways for controlling the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) and both will be accountable if you do not take prompt and effective action to correct the operations of this erring corporation.

Continuing to allow the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) to operate commercial mercenary armies under conditions of fraud and color of law on our shores will result in violent Breach of Trust and the lasting destruction of all respect for civil law and government.

Please note that the Federal Government has at most a proprietary interest as a caretaker of the property assets of the Western States.  That role does not include any authority to act against the actual owners and beneficiaries of the land assets nor allow any failure to recognize them as American State Citizens owed all the guarantees of their Statehood Compacts.

Our repudiation of the actions which have been taken in our names without our knowledge or consent by men and institutions merely pretending to represent us and which have been used as a means to establish institutionalized fraud and to hypothecate debt against our names and property assets is complete, final, and firmly established on the public records of all nations.

Although these crimes do involve mischaracterization of our political status, the entire scam is nothing more or less than garden variety bunko practiced on a vast scale, a matter of national identity theft and credit fraud engineered by international banks, attorneys, and politicians who have served themselves at the expense of those they are bound by treaty, trust indenture, commercial contract, and all forms of moral conscience to serve.

Correction must be viewed as a criminal matter, not misrepresented as a political one.


Anna Maria Riezinger For the Alaska Civil Judge Advocates Council c/o Box 520994 Big Lake, Alaska RR 99652 (907) 250-5087


General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr.          via Certified Mail 7006 0810 0003 3541 5731

c/o Joint Chiefs of Staff

9999 Joint Staff Pentagon

Washington, DC 20318-9999


See this article and over 100 others on Anna’s website

Posted by:




FW_De_Klerk_speaks_with_a_forked_TongueFor 2 decades accusations against the FW de Klerk government have been flying about. Many people have been whispering about huge sums of money being paid over by Swiss bank accounts to NP politicians and government operators to hand over the SA government to the ANC. For 18 years nothing could be proven, till now: CITIBANK Gen. Erle Cocke ran Nugan Hand Bank’s Washington office. In April 2000, Cocke gave a deposition running to 67 pages concerning his knowledge and involvement in Project Hammer. Ten days later he died from Pancreatic cancer. His explosive deposition reveals him as a very significant and highly connected player in a world few of us are familiar with.

Cocke related in his statement how Citibank was used as halfway stop for dodgy financial dealings in ‘black gold’ through Project Hammer – some 30 accounts used. Asked where these accounts were located, Cocke responded saying – in almost one solid block at Citibank.



Project Hammer was a desperate undertaking by the USA gov. to rescue some of its major banks, who, by the end of the 1980’s, faced insolvency. These banks included Citibank, HSBC, Chase Manhatten and the Bank of New York.

The project was designed to cipher gold and diamonds as collateral as an emergency buoy for the ailing banks and to put the USA’s economy on track again.

It is at this stage that South Africa’s De Klerk government entered the fray – as major gold and diamond supplier, it was the easiest and cheapest way to rescue the USA banking sector. Only one small problem: South Africa was in political turmoil with the white rightwing challenging the NP government on all fronts.

The best smokescreen Citibank could think upon to move large amounts of money and gold bullion was:

Citibank Cartoon

Create political instability (between the NP gov. and the ANC). Then create a political vacuum where dodgy gold and diamond deals could be done without too many questions (maybe even an interim NP/ANC gov. where the minimum control would facilitate covert gold and diamond movements).

Project Hammer involved the trading of $13.6 trillion in debentures resulting in ‘fallout’ of about $1.1 trillion which was stashed I the Howard Hughes account in Credit Suisse. Obviously, in a project of this size, a lot of organizations had to be involved: The CIA, FBI, all the NSA agencies, Pentagon in the broadest sense of it and as such, the Treasury and Federal Reserve. Nobody got out of the act, and everybody wanted to get in on the act – for there was lots and lots of money to be made.



Another individual who has played a considerable role in Project Hammer, was Rolf van Rooyen, who operated a number of business entities including one called ‘Oceantech’ and another called ‘Eastech’ International Bank.

At one time Van Rooyen worked for SA Intelligence and is also believed to have been working for the CIA at the time Project Hammer was in process. Of significance is the fact that Gen. Cocke and Van Rooyen knew each other, although Cocke says he only spoke to him on the phone but never ‘shook hands with him’.

During a police interview in Germany in1995, Van Rooyen when questioned about Project Hammer responded: if you are referring to Operation Hamer, it is an extremely large, very delicate operation in co-operation with the authorities of various countries in which Oceantech is involved..

Working alongside Van Rooyen, was SA Intelligence operative Riaan Stander. Both Stander and Van Rooyen were board members of the “Eastcorp Syndicate” which boasted almost two dozen other companies in its stable. Included were Intercol Pty, Ltd, Cavo Shipping – which conducted intelligence gathering missions for governments, and Bridge S.A. The latter was registered in Monrovia, Liberia.

According to Peter Goslar, once a close friend of Riaan Stander, other board members of Bridge S.A., were Colonel Tim Spicer and Mick Ranger of ‘Sandline’ fame.

In a letter written to a Washington law firm involved in a lawsuit involving Project Hammer, Goslar fingers Bridge S.A. – and hence Van Rooyen and Riaan Stander, as ‘part of the Executive Outcomes operation. Eastech International Bank, was underwritten by a Mexican firm Ro-Mar Pharmaceuticals, a firm claiming to control over $100 billion in gold. Van Rooyen and Stander entered Eastech into an agreement to purchase 5000 metric tons of gold at a discount of 4% from the Second London Fix. This gold was held in the free zone area beneath Zurich’s Kloten Airport. Interestingly, the contract, which ran to 6 pages, bears the official stamp of the Swiss Police, authorizing and validating the transaction.

By 1995, Eastech International Bank had begun to hit the radar screen of regulatory authorities around the world that viewed it with suspicion, but by then it seems probable that much of Project Hammer’s SA objectives had been fulfilled. Fearing the worse, Rolf Van Rooyen left S.A. and traveled to Germany. According to his one-time friend, Peter Goslar, this is where he still lives albeit protected by former members of the East Germany’s Stasi spy-network.

Rudolph Ignatius van Rooyen – born in Kroonstad on 29 April 1959  ID no. 590429 5021 085; Last known address: Rheinstern Hotel 1610, Rheinstern, Dusseldorf, Germany. Alias – Rolf Rondine.

Director – Eastech International Bank, established in China and underwritten by a Mexican Firm. Contact person – Miss Lin Ying, China.

Riaan Stander

Security director of Eastech

Steve Potnak – managing director of Eastech Bank

Steve Pansegrow – military intelligence officer supplying Eastech with intelligence reports. He also supplied highly confidential information to C1, in the names of Eugene de Kock and Pieter Botha. Pansegrow’s wife was a receptionist for Van Rooyen and Stander.

Irma Els – operator helping in Ifafa – Eastcorp.

Fanie Smith – operator who signed validation certificates for Eastcorp.

– Letter of credit no. 9022101 signed by Fanie Smith and honoured by the bank and with a revenue stamp of the Greek gov.

– Certificate of deposit of $5 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Certificate of deposit of $25 million, stamped by the Greek Gov, signed by Fanie Smith.

– Directors of Eastcorp and Intercol as at the registrar of companies: Roelf van Rooyen, Riaan Stander, Douglas Randall. Intercol: Eugene de Kock, Gen. Tai Minnaar, Pieter Botha. Policemen and members of military intelligence served on both Eastcorp and Intercol.

– Dr. HP Bauer – involved with operator “Rosie”, Dr. HJ Schuster – agent of FAS in the US, Julian Rosie – director of FAS in South Africa.

– Riaan Stander liased directly with intel. Officers from C1 (SA Police), namely Eugene de Kock, Chappies Kloppers, Pieter Botha and Willie Nortje. They asked help from Eastech to infiltrate rightwing groups in Pietersburg and for help in the movement of large quantities of weapons.

– MAS 57/08/92 – Pretoria North Case ref, investigation officer – Lt. Col. AE Botha conducted an investigation into the irregularities, but it was never made public or brought to court.

In October 1998, a German intelligence operator forwarded a document marked “Top Secret” to Gerhard Laubsher of the S.A. National Intelligence Agency, marked MZ/HRB/10-10/98 ser. Noj/IBI citing the disappearance of $223 104 000 008 from the South African economy through ‘black gold’ dealings.

In the report the following 47 persons were named:

FW de Klerk, Hernus Kriel, Chris Stals, Japie Jacobs, Org Marais, Anton Rupert, Johan Rupert, James Cross, Christo Wiese (SARB), Christo Wiese (Boland Bank), Dr. Swanepoel, Dr. Groenewald, Mr. Potgieter, Alwyn Lombard, Jan Lombard, Barend du Plessis, Commisionar Blaauw (western cape), Simon Nothnagel, Simon and Peter Nassau, Giel Nieuwoudt, Ben Zuma, Anton Welch, George Hill, BB de Klerk, Chris Nissan, Kobus Kirsten,Van Deventer, Boet Claasen, Big John Smith, Willem Korden/Kordan, Daniel Julius, Jan Koch, John and Faize Adams, Peter Blake, Nick Fourie, Magistrate Liebenberg, Casiem and Shahida Brey, Peter Mopp, Riaan Engelbrecht, Peter Goslar, Detective Justin Swart, Charles/Lester Newton, Robert Ferguson and Wynand Louw:


The report quotes:

4.7 The RSA has in excess 3000 tons of gold in storage. We can identify that Cloten in Switzerland, Luxembourg and London are used extensively for stored gold.

4.8 The RSA has a small refinery in Switzerland and deals with an other small refinery in Luxembourg (owned by Italian members) to refine gold, remove the markings on the gold.

4.9 The RSA selling 550 tons of gold every year and approximately 50 tons of gold is stolen every year.

4.12 Some of this money is then recycled back in RSA.

4.13 Some examples: The recent announced merger of Goldfields and Gencor. The purchase of BOE, NBS, OK Bazaars etc. by Christo Wiese. Old Mutual Bibby Group. Gencor’s Billiton Group. Rembrands Richmond Group. Anglo Americans Miners Group.

6.3 High yield investments goes generally through Volkskas Bank, Nedbank, Boland and Standard-Chartered Bank RSA, all with approval from the SARB.

6.4 Arnold van Eck, offshore in – Imposses des Michandes, Veyreier du Luc, 74000 Anmecy-France, Bis Avenue D’Albigny, 74000 Anmecy-Le Veux, Adriaan (Riaan) Stander, Switzerland, 17 Rue de Levi, Crans Montana.

6.5 Van Ecks Associates, Clientel, Co. Directors are all well known military intelligence officers and political figures. Large sums of funds to almost $1.6 billion were handled and controlled by the Van Eck Syndicate on instructions of these politicians and intelligence officers – There are in RSA R37 million in farms unaccounted for. $40 million are being held in secret accounts in Van Ecks name. An unauthorized amount of $6 million was paid to Mrs. Van Eck. There are in RSA various assets of enormous value, belonging to Afri-Air, a total of at least R700 million. Overseas funding in $ 400 million, is also unaccounted for. A further amount of $ 7000 million unaccounted, controlled by Van Eck.

After scrutinizing some of Riaan Stander’s bank accounts, the following was found:

Adriaan Barend Stander; Selbornelaan 14; Lyttelton Manor, Pta.

Account name: Intercol Consultants (Pty) Ltd.

Volkskas bank – 0609-142-596, Verwoerdburg branch.

Account name: Intercol Consultants

Nedbank; Arcadia, Pretoria branch

Eastcorp South Africa

Bankcorp London

Swiftref – TBOAGB2L; 90 Long Acre; London SC2E 9SF

Account name

Eastcorp main account – 01-38496030-4

El Rosario Trust account – (Eastcorp HQ) – 01-38497030-0

Anti Crisi (Eastcorp Technical Division) 01-38498030-5

Eastech International Bank SA; Boland bank; Swiftref: BOLBZAJC

Pretoria branch; Account name: Estech International Bank – 136 873 6001

Relevant bank official – Mr. L. Coetzee – Gen Man.

Eastech International Bank – Tacoma, Washington.

Moving money between accounts is easy, especially when it is done with the lessing of the major banks and government, but moving gold and weapons around the globe is not so easy.

Enter one of the key players, shipping tycoon Tony Giordiadis, from Greece. Giordiadis had very close ties with Richard Carter (now corporate manager of BMW), the spokesperson for the SA President FW de Klerk.

On May 11 and 12, 1990, De Klerk paid an official visit to Greece. Here he met with Pres. Caramanlis and Prime Minister Mitsosakies. De Klerk also met Tony Gordiakis at this time. Of Greek origin, but London based, Georgiadis shipped oil to SA in contravention of sanctions and developed close relations with members of the NP gov. to distribute money freely, Georgiadis opened a bank account in Liberia for Mallar Incorporated (it was also through this account that bribes to the tune of $22 million wer paid to ANC officials during the Arms Deal).

Geordiadis’s father-in-law Lanaras once served as director of the shipping firm Alandis.

The conspirators were faced by another huge obstacle – the loyal members of the Defence Force, Military Intelligence, National Intelligence Agency and the South Africa Police, who would immediately put a stop to the transactions, should they find out.


De Klerk fired all loyal officers to that his collaborators could move freely.

On December 19, 1992, FW de Klerk fired 23 senior army officers, including navy officers, who could pose a threat to his plans.

So great was the speed with which De Klerk acted that even the army’s public relations office was not informed of the press conference. In addition, many of the officers disciplined, were on holiday and were unaware of their suspension.

The axed officers included: Major-General Chris Thirion, Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, who had a reputation of being one of the more progressive of the younger generation of generals, Major-General Hennie Rouw, Chief of Army Intelligence, Brigadier Ferdie Van Wyk, Director of Army Communications, who master-minded Project Echoes, Brigadier Tolletjies Botha, Director – Directorate of Covert Collection, which was raided in November by investigators of the Goldstone Commission, including UN personnel, Brigadier Oos van der Merwe, Director of Army Intelligence, Commander Jack Widdowson of the Navy.

He named only three other officers, Colonel At Nel, Colonel Chris Prinsloo and Commandant Stephen Snyders, who were all put on compulsory leave.

FW de klerk

This followed the purge of 19 police generals in August as part of a drive to bring the police in line with the negotiation process.

The further Indemnity Act pushed through parliament in August, needed to help ease officers out. The November raid on Military Intelligence’s Directorate of Covert Collection in November, by Goldstone investigators which provided the pretext for setting up the probe headed by Gen. Pierre Steyn.

A top-level meeting between senior Umkhonto We Sizwe and SADF officials in early August, brokered by the National Intelligence Service, which generally carries out the will of the cabinet. December’s ‘rationalisation’ measures which include the retrenchment of 6000 middle ranking officers followed.

In just 5 months, De Klerk had opened the door wide, for his own operators to continue the sell-out.

“I have never before seen a government destroy its own power base, such as this one is doing” – said former chief of Military Intelligence, Gen. Tienie Groenewald, while the country is steadily moving towards complete chaos, the government has effectively neutralized the SADF’s intelligence capacities by removing the eyes, ears and nose of the defense forces.


The Greek shipping tycoon could now go about his business unhindered. Georgiadis was of course also implicated in the swindle with the sinking of the greek ship , Salem, off the African coast earlier in what was decribed by Loydds of Great Britian as the biggest maritime swindle ever. “Salem – Lloyd’s pursues what may be the biggest maritime swindle ever – At 10:50am Greenwich time on Jan. 17, crewmen aboard the tanker British Trident, sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal in Northwest Africa. The Salem, a 214 000 ton supertanker, registered in Liberia, was listing and dead in the water. By radio contact with the tanker, Trident learned that a series of mysterious explosions was responsible for the disaster. Indeed, a cloud of orange smoke billowed from the tanker’s deck. By 11:30 the disabled ship’s greek-born captain, Dimitrios Georgoulis, and his 22 crewmen, most of them Tunisians, had….”

Side note: It was at this time that the whole Project Hammer was put at risk by FW de Klerk’s impulsiveness. German operators learned that De Klerk was having an affair with Georgiadis’s wife, Elita (Lanaras’s daughter).

A memorandum was sent to the CIA, who decided to put a lid on the affair, until after the completion of Project Hammer.

Knowledge of the affair would not only open a can of worms, but it was not clear what Georgiadis’s reaction to the affair would be. It this only became public after another two years.

There would be a twist – Marike de Klerk.. When FW de Klerk divorced Marike to marry Elita, a clause was written into the divorce agreement that De Klerk would be able to censor any books or article Marike might decide to write – which indeed he did when he prevented the publication of a chapter titled Grotgesprek (cave conversation) in the autobiography titled “‘n Plek waar die son weer skyn.” ( a place where the sun shines again)

But Marike de Klerk was not done yet. Then, sadly, on 2 Dec. 2001, she was brutally murdered in her Dolphin Beach complex, Bloubergstrand apartment, hours after sending an undisclosed fax to Holland.

Curiously – the European Union paid R30 000 into the account of the murder accused – Mboniswa, channeled by the Foundation for Human Rights, for DNA tests. Mboniswa stood trail in the Western Cape High Court and was found guilty of the murder, without taking the stand in his own defense.

What was the follow wat the orchestrated and directed ‘political reform’ as was dictated to by foreigners of this country.

The reform was steered by international banks/financiers as well as foreign intelligence agencies.

The subsequent buy-out of South African politicians and role players, culminated in the demise of a country….

un-named source

South Africa – Bank busted over securitisation lies

Jack Darier of Parkhurst in Joburg asked his bank whether his loan had been securitised. No way, said the bank. It was the answer Darier was expecting. Meantime he had the proof that the opposite was true. It was a truth test, he says, and the bank failed.


Sometimes the banks just can’t get it right. Here’s a case where Standard Bank’s legal department flatly denied a customer’s mortgage loan had been securitised, while another department in the same bank sent proof that the loan had in fact been sold to an entirely different legal entity.

Busted. That’s what happens when the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

What makes this case even more interesting is that the customer, Jack Darier of Parkhurst in Johannesburg, does not have a judgment against his name, nor is his house under threat of being repossessed. He just wanted to know if his home loan had been securitised – in other words, on-sold by the bank to a new owner. That means the bank no longer has legal standing to bring action against the customer in the event of default. You can see below how the banks get around this – it’s a simple cession, they argue successfully in our brain dead courts.

So let’s ignore the blather of the R50,000-a-day silks who show up daily in our courts as they repossess upwards of 10,000 homes each year (and for which the SA Communist Party is now calling for an official investigation), and go straight to the law books: Regulation 35 of the Banks Act covers the sale of a loan to a third party by way of securitisation. A debt on-sold to a “Special Purpose Vehicle” is considered a sale (not a cession) under which the full entitlement, rights and obligations are conveyed to the purchaser. Regulation 35 furthermore blocks the public from gaining access to securitisation transactions, which are deemed to be “off balance sheet”.

The reason banks securitise is to move assets off balance sheet and so free up capital for further lending. The provisioning requirements of the Basel accords, which govern banking internationally, means banks have to set aside capital according to the type and risk of loans it makes. So if it can move these off balance sheet by way of securitisation, it’s a case of rinse and repeat – issue a bunch of new mortgage loans, bundle them together, and sell them off to investors. Great business if you can get it. If the mortgage lender defaults, there are various insurance policies and credit default swaps (CDSs) that make up the shortfall. A zero-sum game for the banks. But not if you are the home owner. If the home owner defaults, the bank will get judgment, sell the house at auction for a fraction of its value, and then pursue the hapless defaulter for the shortfall.

In law, that’s called undue enrichment. Or selling the same asset twice.

A securitisation is therefore not a cession, but a shift in ownership of the underlying asset. The problem is no defaulting home owner can afford the R50,000-a-day silk to argue this convincingly in court. So the charade goes on. Section 72 read with Section 1 of the Banks Act precludes a bank from participating in any business wherein it may unduly influence and/or place at risk its providential requirements or burden its liquidity requirements. So an SPV cannot be a division or associated entity of the bank. The SPV must be an independent juristic entity.

But let’s get back to Darier’s to-and-fro discussion with Standard Bank. When he found out his mortgage loan had been securitised – despite the bank’s bare denial – he went along to visit the commercial crimes unit in Johannesburg. There he laid a charge of fraud against the bank.

Despite having presented evidence of the securitisation along with his correspondence and affidavit and receiving a case number, no further action was taken by the police investigation unit.
Darier’s interest in the matter all started when his father ran into difficulty with the bank some years ago. He fired off a bunch of questions to Standard Bank asking whether his mortgage bond had been securitised.

No it had not, said the bank (you can see the correspondence below). But then another division from the same bank sent him a Certificate of Balance showing the mortgage loan was now owned by Blue Granite. This is a securitisation vehicle used by Standard Bank into which it has placed thousands of its loans.

Bear this in mind when reading what followed.

In mid-July this year Darier sent off a standard set of questions that New Economic Rights Alliance (New Era) advises clients to put to their banks.

Here’s the response from Joop Dekker, executive in charge of complaints resolution at Standard Bank, sent on 24 July 2015:

Good day Mr Darier,

We refer to your note below and would like to reply as follows:

Regarding the questions you have posed below we are of the view that your questions are inappropriate.

The bank does engage in the process of securitization and there is nothing untoward or illegal about this.

It seems that you are being misled by New Era and we note that your question is identical to those that New Era have been inviting people to ask.

The bank has been involved in litigation with this entity and we attach hereto a copy of the latest judgement herein. We draw your attention to paragraphs 24 and 25 where the honourable Judge Baqwa described the NEW Era’s action as vexatious. You will also note that legal cost had been awarded against the New Era directors in person.

Lastly we confirm that any failure on the bank’s side to specifically reply to your question below cannot be construed as an admission to the correctness thereof.

We therefore trust that the above clarifies the matter from the bank’s side.


Joop Dekker

To which Darier replied on 25 July 2015:

Hi Joop. I have seen by your position at the bank that you are merely doing your job in deflecting any negative PR. As such I harbour no ill feelings or intentions towards you.

However, my response is as follows:

1.       I am not surprised the bank finds these question “inappropriate” because they do not want their customers and the public to have an insight into their dubious banking practices. Just because they deem it inappropriate does not infer that there are inappropriate questions to ask.

2.       It seems to me that your bank and most likely all the banks underestimate the intelligence of the public and they are trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. Your executives are a bastion of CA’s and financial professionals who seem to think they are far more intelligent than everyone else and no-one will be the wiser. This may the case in other instances but I can assure you this is not the case now.

3.       With regards to the legality of securitisation: you are 100% correct. The process of securitisation (ie. selling promissory notes/loan agreements to third parties for purposes of using as investment vehicles to invest in stocks) is legal. However, there is no mention of the fact that after ceding the loan agreement to a party without notification to the debtor the banks’ rights to repossess houses are null and void. The bank is thus merely acting as the agent for the third party in retrieving monies owed. I see on the website there is but 2 or 3 lines (mentioning) securitisation but there has been a convenient omission of any information which would allude the fact that the bank has no more rights for repossession.

4.       I have been influenced by New Era, however I do not deem them as misleading me. The fact you have not been willing to answer my questions is testament to the fact that the bank does not want to draw attention to the matter or reveal the shady practices. If the bank wasn’t doing anything wrong they wouldn’t find the questions “inappropriate”. New Era indicated that the bank would not divulge any details on this matter.

5.       Securitisation has been banned in the US for the reasons that is shady and it has resulted in a plethora of illegal foreclosures (No. There have been calls for the outlawing of securitisation in the US, but it is not banned – Ed).

6.       I assume that because the manner in which securitisation works, it can be utilised in any form of loan/credit agreement (home loans, car finance, credit cards, etc). It would fantastic if the banks and third parties undertook profit shares with the debtor as they are using money which has not been paid to them yet to create profits. They are essentially utilising the hard work and income of their customers to generate massive profits for themselves

7.       I am well aware of what vexatious litigation and proceeding are. I examined the document and it was considered vexatious due to the manner in which the litigation was undertaken. It actually has nothing to do with the legitimacy of accusations or the matter on hand and the legality of the bank repossessing houses when it has no right to.

8.       New Era have successfully won cases against the bank and you and I both know this (They certainly educated the public, and in doing so frustrated the banks in their attempts to repossess homes, but New ERA does not fight cases for individuals – Ed).

The response does not clarify the matter at all. That being said we can drop the matter on the premise that I assume that my home loan has been securitised and that I am aware the bank has no right to repossess it.

I will be engaging with New Era and volunteering my time and services for free.

Jack Darier

On 28 July, Joop Dekker of Standard Bank provided the following reply:

Good day Jack

We confirm that Home loan account number 364814497 has, according to the bank’s records, not been securitized.

Furthermore we will have to agree to disagree on our respective views regarding New ERA’s position, which entity has taken on the banking industry (including the SA Reserve Bank) during the past few years via the Courts, and has had no success whatsoever.

Hypothetically if your homeloan had been securitized, and due to arrears on the account the bank foreclosed on the loan, the homeloan would merely be ceded back to the bank (by the special purpose vehicle) and the bank’s normal legal and collections process would subsequently been followed.


Joop Dekker

So what we have here is a serious dispute of fact: Dekker’s denial of securitisation, and Darier’s inadvertent receipt of proof suggesting otherwise. Based on standards of evidence, it looks like Darier has made his point. The bank’s position is that even if the loan is securitised, it can simply re-cede it back from the SPV and continue with the normal collections process. In theory this is fine, except that per our reading of the law as per the above, you cannot reverse an outright sale with a simple cession.

But Darier was just getting started. He then fired off a letter to the Northern Provinces Law Society, asking what it was doing to investigate lawyers implicated in drafting dodgy securitisation agreements.

Good day. I would like to request a meeting with senior counsel at the Northern Law Society in order to discuss multiple instances of banking fraud committed by local banks and their legal teams which are acting on their behalf. Their attorneys and debt collectors are raising judgments in court and making demands for monies owed on credit agreements for which the bank has no locus standi as they ceded the credit agreements through securitisation structures. (And thus ceded the underlying assets as the whole credit agreements along with assets are sold off their books).

Proof of many instances  of this shady practice are available AND local attorneys and law societies can no longer claim they do not know what securitisation is and overlook the matter.

The attorneys have presented papers to the court which are untruthful and indicate the bank still has locus standi on properties lodged as surety when in fact they don’t. These attorneys are well aware of this and are essentially lying to judges and are actively committing fraud and being complicit to the fraudulent practice.

I would like to discuss this with the law society to understand their views and positions on this as I am sure the securitisation matter has arisen before and the fact that attorneys are still being given free reign to present fraudulent papers to the courts is tantamount to one of the following 2 scenarios: a) either the law society is completely oblivious to this matter and more study and education of the subject in-house is required,  or b) the law society has knowledge of this unlawful practice but is allowing it to continue as it represents a great value of business for the local legal system and practitioners (ie. You are complicit to the fraud and deception in court)

I am not working with New Era and I think it would be in the best interests of the law society to meet with me to discuss further as there may be calls for disbarring of many lawyers who are implicated in this scheme.

Also, another matter I am going to be addressing is how certain firms are structuring the securitisation contracts and legal framework on the JSE in a manner which they are aware is not legal as they knowingly create shell investment schemes. They are structuring in a manner which directly contravenes numerous banking and credit act subsections/clauses and they are structuring in a manner such that properties are not transferred at the deeds office to the entity to whom credit agreements and the physical assets have been ceded to. The sole purpose being so that if a customer defaults the bank can approach the courts and pretend to be legal creditor. They are knowingly advising banks to create shell investment schemes.

Surely the local law societies are aware of this practice or they need to start introducing formal education and study into these matters.

Jack Darier

The Law Society has requested a meeting with Darier over the matter. We’ll keep you posted.


 Without any prejudice, according to Black’s Law 4th Legal Dictionary, 1968 the executive head of a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is an EMPEROR!!! AND THAT’S NOT ALL, PEOPLE!!! EMPEROR OBAMA IS THE HOLDER OF SOVEREIGNTY OVER YOU, A CONQUERED AND CONFEDERATED PEOPLE!!!

EMPEROR. The title of the sovereign ruler of an empire. This designation was adopted by the rulers of the Roman world after the decay of the republic, and was assumed by those who claimed to be their successors in the "Holy Roman Empire," as also by Napoleon. "The sovereigns of Japan and Morocco are often, though with little propriety, called emperors." 10 Encyc. Amer. (1929), p. 300.
In western speech the former sovereigns of Turkey and China were called emperors. Cent. Diet.
The title "emperor" seems to denote a power and dignity superior to that of a "king." It appears to be the appropriate style of the executive head of a federal government, constructed on the monarchial principle, and comprising in its organization several distinct kingdoms or other quasi sovereign states; as was the case with the German empire from 1871 to 1918. "The proper meaning of emperor is the chief of a confederation of states of which kings are members." Cent. Dict., quoting Encyc. Brit.
"In general, an emperor is the holder of a sovereignty extending over conquered or confederated peoples, a king is ruler of a single people. Thus the 'King of England' is 'Emperor of India.' " Webster's New Int. Dict. Before the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire in November, 1918, its monarch was known as the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.

AMARAKA, time to abandon ALL ACTS/STATUTES/CODES/U.S.C. EVERYTHINGGGGG!!! We are going to have to start from scratch; we CANNOT USE ENACTED LAW!!! Start sifting through Maxims, Customs, Ancient precedents, Canons of judicial ethics: NOTHING AFTER 1799; investigate everything everything and keep the good; be blessed;


Ex causa onerosa, all natural rights reserved naturally, in peace – UZA