Spontaneous Evolution and Natural Law

Ronmamita's Blog

Fractional Reserve Banking system of global control Fractional Reserve Banking system of global control

As we witness and experience the transition from the Age of Empires, Hegemony, international institutions of control, and centralization of authority, I see the dinosaur institutions (Too Big To Fail and “G-SIFI”) dying out.
That fear based meme of control and exploitation is no longer serving our collective needs nor well-being with their crafted economic cycles of “Booms & Busts”, wars, and master/slave like system of control.
That script is from History and that repetitive drama and tragedy must be abandoned.

We, the aware People on Earth, have gone off script and are writing Ourstories.
We are discussing Heartistic engineering, crafts, arts, and acknowledging what we can do is limited only by our creative imagination and efforts.
People are networking and sharing collaborative efforts with open source information sharing paradigm.

Universal Law, also known as Natural Law, trumps all others.

Personal sovereignty is…

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